
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Rosen. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Rosen, Andrew       Rosen, Wayne Golomb, Merill
Rosen, Aria 2013-06-15     Rosen, Zachary Reid, Emily
Rosen, Ben       Rosen, Wayne Golomb, Merill
Rosen, Harry 1919 1986 Caplan, Sylvia  
Rosen, Harvey 1949-05-03 2022-09-08 Fidler, Ellie, Buckley, Sharon Rosen, Harry Caplan, Sylvia
Rosen, Levy 2015-08-04     Rosen, Zachary Reid, Emily
Rosen, Merle 1942-07-28   Koven, Phillip Rosen, Harry Caplan, Sylvia
Rosen, Rachel     Bellan, Jamey Rosen, Wayne Golomb, Merill
Rosen, Tyler 1984-02-08   Heesen, Erika Rosen, Harvey Fidler, Ellie
Rosen, Wayne 1956-03-19   Golomb, Merill Rosen, Harry Caplan, Sylvia
Rosen, Zachary 1981-01-13   Reid, Emily Rosen, Harvey Fidler, Ellie