
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Shear. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Shear, Bobby       Shear, Morris Wisotsky, Greta
Shear, Carole       Shear, Morris Wisotsky, Greta
Shear, Dov Ber Ben Eliezer 1877 1945 Wintz, Kayla Shear, Eliezer
Shear, Eliezer      
Shear, Judy     Rosenberg, Al Shear, Lazar Cohen, Helen
Shear, Lazar 1903   Cohen, Helen Shear, Dov Ber Ben Eliezer Wintz, Kayla
Shear, Michla Fruma 1911 1997 Tapper, Sam Shear, Dov Ber Ben Eliezer Wintz, Kayla
Shear, Miriam 1907   Gersfeld, Irving Shear, Dov Ber Ben Eliezer Wintz, Kayla
Shear, Morris 1910   Wisotsky, Greta Shear, Dov Ber Ben Eliezer Wintz, Kayla